“After only three months we have achieved with Nadine the things that we have been trying to achieve with several consultancies for the past eight years.”

– CEO, European IT-Service Provider

"With Nadine Bruder, you don't just achieve any business goal, but the perfect, future-oriented precision landing."

CMO, Health Tech Provider

"Nadine is clearly ahead of her time and an inspiring leader."

Stefan Groschupf, Tech Entrepreneur

"Metaphorically speaking: Nadine is like a secret asset to any business."

Jascha Stein, Tech Entrepreneur

"Nadine really helped me taking the next steps and being aligned with my values. Her attitude is so simple and clear. I owe her a lot!"

Francesca, Architect

"She is a definite asset. Her presence and leadership would always make any mediocre projects inevitable to excellency."

Pebbles Lin, Founder NUNC

"Her intricate sense and sharp foresight of identifying business opportunities make her stand on the frontline of all things digital and innovative."

CEO, Consumer Goods Company

"Nadine really inspired and pushed me to explore other opportunities and generally got me to think about the future in a new way with her enthusiasm. I am extremely grateful, and I hope that I can find a way to properly thank her."

International Opera Singer

"I experienced in the past that agencies and consultancies were never invested in my business challenges; they charged for talking only. Working with Nadine is the complete opposite."

CEO, Health Service

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